Rune factory 4 max level
Rune factory 4 max level

rune factory 4 max level

The level I don't really know how it works, but I left it there in case you wanted to try it out. You'll be able to edit there, the crop that it is, if it's watered, the growth, and level. If any of the names is 'Unknown' and has '?' relationship points, it means that the NPCs is not available yet and you need to unlock it. Right now there's only relationship points for you to change. So if you have 2 cabbages, and want to have 9 golden rings, you can do that. Get the current hovered item from your inventory, and change its amount and type of object.

rune factory 4 max level

After completing a certain request, the stores will stock higher level crops and seeds as you ship them. These stores have a small initial stock that expands as you complete requests.

rune factory 4 max level

Money, Prince/Princess Points, Lumber, Stones, TouristsĬhange the amount that you have to any amount of your choice.Ĭhange the current day number, hour, minutes and season to anything that you want. To grow crops in Rune Factory 4, youll need to buy seeds from Sincerity General Store or Carnations. I tested it only with Turnips, so if there's any problem let me know. Stops time from advancing while the script is active.Ĭrops will only need a day to grow. Multiply the relationship points that you get with any action by any amount that you want. Multiply the experience of skills by any amount that you want. ( Even if some crops might not look watered, they are. So while enabled, get into the farm at least once, and then you'll be able to go away and they will be watered. RP won't go down when using abilities or anything that would decrease it.įarm tiles will be automatically watered when you get into the farm. )Īll enemies and objects and killed/destroyed with one single hit. ( Health will be set to max when you're hit, so if you level up, it'll still be like it was until you get hit. You won't die no matter what how many times you're hit.

Rune factory 4 max level