In Half-Life: Alyx, however, several Barnacles are seen eating poison headcrabs without any apparent damage. The Poison Headcrabs, however, are not edible in Half-Life 2 and its episodes if a Barnacle consumes one of them, it dies after swallowing the Headcrab's poison, making it an effective counter to the Barnacle. The Standard Headcrab can be seen being prepared by Vortigaunts in Black Mesa East and by the Quarantine Zone Vortigaunt, while fast Headcrabs can be seen being roasted by the All-Knowing Vortigaunt. It appears that both Standard and Fast Headcrabs are edible, at least to a Vortigaunt. Headcrabs are tamed by "debeaking" removing the beak of a Headcrab renders it unable to break into a host's head, rendering them harmless and apparently somehow suppresses their parasitic instincts, though it does not completely remove them, as Lamarr enjoys watermelons. Headcrabs can be tamed, as seen with Lamarr ( Isaac Kleiner's pet Headcrab). Lightning Dogs can reanimate and control corpses, turning them into electrified zombies. The Lightning Dog – introduced in Half-Life: Alyx, spit electrically charged liquid which can cause power failures in electrical equipment, which also deals minor damage to living creatures.To counter this, their vulnerable underside is incredibly weak, only requiring a single hit to kill them as opposed to regular Headcrabs. Armored Headcrab zombies are therefore immune to headshots.
The Armored Headcrab – introduced in Half-Life: Alyx, they possess thick hard armor covering their backs. It is not known if the neurotoxin alone can kill, as the HEV Suit will instantly administrate an antidote. In addition to having a beak as their weapon, they also use a neurotoxin to either injure or kill the victim. They will turn their host into a Poison Zombie. The Poison Headcrab – introduced in Half-Life 2, this variant acts as a toxic Headcrab, causing more damage to the host. The Fast Headcrab – introduced in Half-Life 2, and much faster than Standard Headcrabs. They turn their hosts into a Standard Zombie, and in some cases a Gonome. The Standard Headcrab – the first Headcrab introduced in Half-Life, seen in their infant form near the end of the game. The Standard Headcrab can also be seen burrowing in and out of the ground, but not the other species. Headcrabs are one of the three enemies in the game that can be killed with the Gravity Gun, after a few hits the others are the Antlion Soldier and the Antlion Worker.ĭuring the Combine occupation of Earth, Headcrabs appear to have no external sensory organs, including eyes or ears, while the Standard Headcrab had 3 eyes on each side of their bodies 20 years prior. Headcrabs were studied at Black Mesa, notably in the Advanced Biological Research Lab and the Gamma Labs. The Bullsquid then comes crawling over to feed on them. Several scenes in Half-Life feature Bullsquids using their ranged attack to kill Headcrabs, which make no attempt to defend themselves. The Headcrab's natural predator appears to be the Bullsquid. Although if this were the case, it would call into question what the point of taking over a host is in the first place. As seen on Xen, Headcrabs appear to be typically born out of a Gonarch therefore, some Headcrabs are assumed to mature into Gonarchs as part of their natural life cycle, and may never use a host. While they do also possess what seems to be a set of four mandibles located where a normal mouth would be, they serve no obvious purpose, and so may simply be a vestigial evolutionary relic, akin to the human tailbone. Their underbelly is almost entirely covered by a large, jawless mouth, with a hidden 'beak' used for feeding and for latching onto the skulls of victims (see below). These provide enough jumping power to leap up to 3 meters (10 feet) in any direction, albeit still requiring a direct line of visual contact between the Headcrab's eyes and its target before it can leap forwards, placing Headcrabs in a horrible position if the leap attack were to miss, requiring it to do a turn at a disadvantageously slow speed with its tiny legs. Their average weight is around eight and a half pounds, as indicated by the payload discrepancy of the rocket launched in Half-Life 2: Episode Two where Lamarr can be seen sleeping in it before the launch. They are covered in smooth skin, which varies in color between subspecies, and walks on four short legs.
Headcrabs are alien parasitoids, roughly the size of a pumpkin.